Welcome to Dain Paul Music

Dain Paul Music is a Christian Record Label located in Albany Oregon. Specializing in post record and music production with artist career services.

Our mission is to provide educational Christian music to help others learn the gospel of Jesus Christ, please visit the mission page for more inspiration.

We work with artists to help produce their music and develop their careers to make the biggest impact for their audience.

Do you or a loved one have a passion for creating music or other digital media content?

Please fill out the contact form below for custom quotes and consultations. 

Contact Us

Multi-Genre Gospel Education Music

Book of Revelation Musical

Complete Book

Produced and Performed by Dain Paul

Book of Matthew V.1 Musical

(Chapters 1-10)

Produced and Performed by Dain Paul

Book of Matthew V.2 Musical

(Chapters 10-16)

Produced and Performed by Dain Paul

Book of Matthew V.3 Musical

(Chapters 16-24)

Produced and Performed by Dain Paul

Book of Matthew V.4 Musical

(Chapters 24-28 Conclusion)

Produced and Performed by Dain Paul

First Eden Project

Vocals: Steven Harris
Lyrics: Dennis Dejong and Mike Puskas
Music: Mike Puskas
Produced by Dain Paul

Music on a Mission Shop

Each time you share with friends, purchase our merch or music, empowers us help others reach their true potential by expanding our educational resources.

Please consider supporting Dain Paul Music today by streaming and sharing our church mission with loved ones.

Click the beanie to enter the merchandise store

Dain Paul Radio

24/7 Gospel Teaching Broadcast

Donate to support our global mission today

9 of 144,000 donations

If you or a loved one supports our educational products, please consider donating a tax deductible donation to support our life mission.

Thank you for your continued support as every form of support including, word of mouth means so much to us.

Our work impacts lives and it is because of people supporting our cause just like you to help spread our message.

Be apart of our solution to fight real society problems today. God Bless your heart and thank you always from our families.

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How it works: A Stripe window will open after you click the Donate Now button where you can securely make your donation. You will then be brought back to this page to view your receipt.

AudioBox Record Productions

Donate to support our global mission today

Donation Total: $5.00